Our services

Managed services and hosting

Anaximandre has set up an outsourcing solution in partnership with Novasys, a specialist in managed services at OVH (Roubaix, France) to ensure 24/7 monitoring and maintenance of your websites and online applications.


Anaximandre offers the creation of your email addresses or email addresses with your domain name, for example prenom.nom@mondomaine.fr

  • 5 to 20 GB total space
  • 99.99% availability
  • Advanced Webmail
  • Anti-spam, anti-virus
  • SMTP service
  • Maintenance
  • POP or IMAP access
  • 50 GB space per box
  • 99.99% availability
  • Integration with Microsoft tools (Outlook, 365…)
  • Synchronization of calendars, contacts, etc.
  • Anti-spam / anti-virus
  • SMTP service
  • Maintenance
  • Anti-spam/anti-virus/anti-hacking solution
  • Secure password access
  • Scanning of attachments
  • Address book import
  • Automatic management of white lists


Infrastructure Features

Infrastructure serveur
Server infrastructure

data centerAnaximandre   has several physical servers on which a VMware vSphere virtualization layer and a Veeambackup solution are installed.

The servers are Intel Xeon-E 2288G – 8 cores – 3.7 to 5 GHz and 128  GB RAM – 4×960 GB SSD or 6 TB HDD Sata Hard RAID – 1 Gbps public bandwidth (unlimited volume) – 3 Gbps private bandwidth (unlimited volume, for backups)

Hosting features

  1. 24-hour monitoring, 99.9% guaranteed availability with GTR 4H.
  2. Multi-operator redundancy
  3. Guaranteed bandwidth 1 Gbs on optical fiber link
  4. Secure hosting room, equipped with redundant inverters, generators and air-conditioning
  5. Management of the DNS zones of your domain names
  6. System base on Linux, Apache 2, PhP 7, MariaDB 10
  7. FTP access (SSH access on request)
  8. Daily backup with back-up possible D-10 on working days
  9. Access to statistics on site traffic
  10. Administration of the level 2 machine (e.g.: in case of a problem on a
    disk, machine replacement, software installation, data restoration, software update, resolution of incidents such as blocked email)

Our offers

VSE / Association Pack


Guaranteed availability rate of 99.9%, with GTR 4H.

  • Supervision 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
  • Minor updates (e.g. from version 5.4 to 5.5) and security updates of the CMS
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Traffic statistics with Google Analytics or AwStats or Matomo
  • Daily and monthly performance monitoring
  • Client access via a secure web interface
  • Space 5 GB total
  • 99.99% availability
  • Advanced Webmail
  • Anti-spam / anti-virus
  • SMTP service
  • POP or IMAP access
  • Price/box : from 2,00€ HT
  • Maximum number of boxes: 5

Pack SME / Local authorities

WordPress / WooCommerce / Prestashop (basic)

Guaranteed availability rate of 99.9%, with GTR 4H.

  • Supervision 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
  • Minor updates (e.g. from version 5.4 to 5.5) and security updates of the CMS
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Traffic statistics with Google Analytics or AwStats or Matomo
  • Daily and monthly performance monitoring
  • Client access via a secure web interface
  • Space 10 GB total
  • 99.99% availability
  • Advanced Webmail
  • Anti-spam / anti-virus
  • SMTP service
  • POP or IMAP access
  • Price/box from 2,00€ HT
  • Maximum number of boxes : 10


WooCommerce / Prestashop (Medium)

Guaranteed availability rate of 99.9%, with GTR 4H.

  • Supervision 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
  • Minor updates (e.g. from version 5.4 to 5.5) and security updates of the CMS
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Traffic statistics with Google Analytics or AwStats or Matomo
  • Daily and monthly performance monitoring
  • Client access via a secure web interface
  • Space 20 GB total
  • 99.99% availability
  • Advanced Webmail
  • Anti-spam / anti-virus
  • SMTP service
  • POP or IMAP access
  • Price/box from 2,00€ HT
  • Max number of boxes : 20

Performance Pack

WordPress / Prestashop (large) / Youlek / Skipailh

Guaranteed availability rate of 99.9%, with GTR 4H.

  • Supervision 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
  • Minor updates (e.g. from version 5.4 to 5.5) and security updates of the CMS
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Traffic statistics with Google Analytics or AwStats or Matomo
  • Daily and monthly performance monitoring
  • Client access via a secure web interface
  • Space 20 GB total
  • 99.99% availability
  • Advanced Webmail
  • Anti-spam / anti-virus
  • SMTP service
  • POP or IMAP access
  • Price/box from 2,00€ HT
  • Max number of boxes : 20

Mailing List Pack

  • Installation and configuration of mailing lists under Sympa server of type all@list.mydomain.com
  • Securing exchanges

Added value

  • Definition of hostingneeds
  • Definition of maintenance needs (periodicity, reactivity, safety)
  • Definition of performanceneeds
  • Definition of messaging needs
  • Implementation of MailinBlack Antispam solutions (reseller)
  • Domain name management